
Course Description

Design thinking is a unique, non-linear approach to considering problems. This methodology is particularly well suited to address tough challenges facing business and even tackle society’s most intractable “wicked problems” to produce innovative and thought-provoking solutions. Design thinking’s key strength is its emphasis on reframing to solving the right problem. Develop the design thinking mindset through the introduction of the human-centered design and creative problem-solving approach which offers the promise of new, more effective solutions.

Course Details

By completion of this course, successful students will be able to:

  • Recognize design thinking frameworks, concepts and theories
  • Apply design thinking models and techniques that lead to solving problems and identifying opportunities
  • Describe at least three design thinking techniques the help groups generate more solutions to problems
  • Evaluate the potential value creation and risks of ideas using evidence, analysis and logical argument
  • Explain how design thinking is relevant to address challenges facing business and social problems
  • Develop a design thinking mindset through human-centered design and creative problem-solving approach

Applies Towards the Following Program(s)